Minerva Insights

Automated Pentest Report Generation

Revolutionize Your Security Assessments

Minerva is the leading automated pentest report generation tool designed to streamline your security assessment process and deliver comprehensive, professional reports with ease.

Get Started

Key Features

Automated Pentest Reporting
  • Generate detailed, customizable pentest reports in minutes.
  • Ensure consistency and accuracy in every report.
Integration with Leading Pentesting Tools
  • Seamlessly integrates with top pentesting tools.
  • Consolidate findings from multiple sources into a single report.
Customizable Templates
  • Use pre-built templates or create your own to match your branding.
  • Tailor reports to meet specific compliance requirements and client needs.
Collaboration and Sharing
  • Share reports easily with team members and stakeholders.
  • Enable collaborative review and feedback for continuous improvement.
AI-Driven Remediation Instructions
  • Leverage AI to generate detailed remediation instructions for identified vulnerabilities.
  • Provide actionable steps to fix issues, tailored to your specific environment.
  • Ensure faster resolution times and enhanced security posture.

Why Minerva?

Minerva simplifies the complexity of pentest report generation, enabling you to focus on what matters most – securing your applications and infrastructure.

Efficiency & Speed
  • Reduce the time spent on generating reports by automating repetitive tasks.
  • Focus more on analysis and remediation rather than documentation.
Accuracy & Consistency
  • Eliminate human errors and ensure consistency across all your reports.
  • Rely on Minerva's standardized templates to maintain high-quality output.
Compliance & Customization
  • Meet various compliance standards with customizable report templates.
  • Adapt reports to specific industry requirements and client expectations.
Secure & Scalable
  • Built with security in mind to protect sensitive data.
  • Scalable to handle the needs of growing businesses.
AI Powered Insights
  • Use AI to gain deeper insights into your security posture.
  • Automatically generate remediation instructions to address vulnerabilities efficiently.

How it Works

Follow these simple steps to streamline your pentesting process with Minerva.

1. Integrate Your Tools
Connect Minerva with your existing pentesting tools to aggregate data seamlessly.
2. Customize Your Templates
Use our intuitive editor to customize report templates to your exact specifications.
3. Generate Reports
Automatically generate detailed pentest reports with a click of a button, complete with AI-driven remediation instructions.
4. Review & Share
Collaborate with your team to review and finalize the reports before sharing with stakeholders.


From Hackers to Enterprises


Unlimited Use
Basic Reporting
Open Source
Build Yourself
Complete Documentation


$83 / month  per user
Everything from Community Edition
Email Support
Customizable Reporting Templates
Framework Security Vulnerability Database Access


Everything from Professional Edition
Advanced Reporting
Premium Support
Full Templating Support
Custom Database Availability
Penetration Testing

Web Applications and APIs

As the use of web applications grows, so does the need to ensure their security. Web Application Penetration Testing, or "pentesting," is one way to find and fix potential security vulnerabilities. Pentesting can be used to test both public-facing and internal applications. During a pentesting engagement, testers attempt to exploit weaknesses in an application's design, functionality, or configuration. By doing so, they can gain access to sensitive data or perform other unauthorized actions. In addition to finding and exploiting vulnerabilities, pentesters also work to identify the underlying cause of the vulnerability. This information can then be used to fix the problem and prevent future attacks. Pentesting is an important part of keeping web applications secure, and it should be performed on a regular basis.

Get Started


Keep your web applications and data safe from intruders.
Get a comprehensive, unbiased security assessment.
Identify and fix vulnerabilities before they're exploited.
Protect your customers' data and your business's reputation.


How this will improve your cybersecurity posture

Keep your web applications and data safe from intruders.
Get a comprehensive, unbiased security assessment.
Identify and fix vulnerabilities before they're exploited.
Protect your customers' data and your business's reputation.

As the world increasingly moves online, the need for secure web applications has never been greater.

The value of web application pen testing goes beyond just finding bugs. Hackers who take the time to understand an application's inner workings can find vulnerabilities that may be exploited to cause serious data breaches. By testing an organization's defenses, ethical hackers can help assess and improve their overall security posture. In addition, web application pen testing can serve as a valuable tool for identifying potential talent. Bug bounty programs have proven to be an effective way of recruiting top security talent, and many ethical hackers got their start by participating in such programs. In short, web application pen testing provides significant value-added benefits for organizations that are willing to invest in it.